21st Century Afterschool Academy
The 21st Century Afterschool Academy is an afterschool program where ºìÐÓÖ±²¥app (Grades K-5) can get Academic tutoring along with enrichment activities that include but are not limited to STEAM Project Based Learning, and the Arts provided by ºìÐÓÖ±²¥app Performing Arts Academy. Families will also have an opportunity to participate in Parent Information Events, and participate in the Program Advisory Council Team (PACT).
The program will be held at the student's school (Balmville, GAMS, Horizons, and Vails Gate grade K-5 ºìÐÓÖ±²¥app are eligible) for 2 hours a day three days a week Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from December - March. Nutritious snacks and transportation (if available) to the designated drop off site will be provided by the district. A family member or family representative must attend the program orientation at your student's school.
Family Calendar
Homework Optional Letter English
Homework Optional Letter Spanish
Newsletters are in both English and Spanish:
Online Application
Family Events
PACT Participation
Quality Assessment/Autoevaluación de calidad